If you have an issue and haven't seen any solution in the solution section or forum, you can report it to the Carsifi support team.

First, we need to know your UDID to check your records in our database and find your logs.

Warning: Before sending an issue request, please make sure you have the latest firmware version on your adapter and the latest version of the companion app.

How to share UDID:
1. Please install companion app from Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.carsifi.adapter
2. Companion app -> Settings(top left corner) -> Contact Us(email) and send to us email.

3. This email consists special UDID at the bottom(please, not remove it).

P.S.: please not remove or reinstall the companion app. You will lose your UDID and a new one will be created. If you reinstall the companion app and have some issue with the adapter please repeat this instruction again.

How to enable debug mode and reproduce issues:

1. Companion app -> Enable Debug mode -> turn on

2. Reboot the adapter and try to reproduce the issue several times to collect logs and share them with us. 

2.1. If the adapter does not work with your car, try to reproduce issues until solid red led will be lighting with the following options:

  • Turn on "Intercept AA protocol." (Companion app -> Troubleshooting section)
  • Turn off "Intercept AA protocol." (Companion app -> Troubleshooting section)

2.2 If an issue happens during driving with working AA, try to reproduce issues until it happens.

3. Please click on the "Sync Logs" button to share logs with us and notify us about it.

!!!! Very important: Please send us an email ([email protected]) when you have done all steps!!!!

Debug mode on:

Sync logs: